2010-05-21 // 15:23:19
Confetti makes a handy toilet paper alternative.
my paper shredder is useful for giving them nest making material.

2010-05-21 // 15:10:46
Dental floss makes a good alternative to rope.
That's exactly what i do use! I avoid the plastic flat stuff though as i did try that and it stretches when they wriggle. when I ran out the other day though I pulled out a few strands of my own hair, wiped it along a candle and made my own waxed string....

2010-05-21 // 14:51:54
That's lovely. But remember: never, never feed them after midnight.
Oh yes, and always after midday. They try to scrabble for crumbs, but I bind their hands and feet until is after 12.

2010-05-21 // 10:36:42
Ooh, look at the tiny little primordials.
I took them all with me in the end. They were so small they fit in my tiny pockets. I now keep them on my desk and they play with my hair when I lean over to pick up the phone. They like it when it tickles their faces...