2010-06-07 // 22:07:53 recurrentdream I've never heard of those bands before. I'll definitely check 'em out!
Err, I'm not usually this direct or forward but you seem cool.
Maybe one day we can shoot polaroids or something?
I'm always up to meet other polaroid enthusiast!
haha yea for sure man, we totally should.
do you have aim or facebook or something?
haha thanks, yea you are too.
do you have facebook or aim or something?
for sure we should.
2010-06-07 // 21:49:21 recurrentdream I listen to a lot of 80s music, but recently i've started listening to more "indie" music or whatever you want to call it.
Beach house is my current favorite right now. Do you like her?
yea they're pretty good.
i like melodic music like that but i always prefer it when its a little more distorted sounding. are you familiar with my bloody valentine?
if you like beach house i think you might like those old band called slowdive, you should check both of them out if you dont know them!