2010-05-22 // 23:53:43
superbe photo.
tres sexy. et magnifique contraste.

mais putain ces rings du scanning!!
ca me fait mal de voir qu'il n'y a encore personne qui a peu s'en débarrasser!
what the fuck are they waiting for the scanning industry!
même avec les scanners les plus chère du marché on a toujours ces effets!
ca m'enerve!

Merci pour la photo ;) !
Pour les rings, on se fait tous la même réflexion... Oui, on m'a dit que même les meilleurs scans ne résolvaient pas le pb ;(
On va dire qu'on vit avec pour le moment ! Il suffirait cela dit que je passe plus de temps sur Ps mais bon...

2010-05-21 // 14:56:13
I hope you're right. It would be good to have a way to stop the progressive yellowing. It's such a practical method too. You just need to take a little fridge and a very long extension cord with you whereever you go.
It is quite yellow by now... It took a couple of hours...

Besides the portable fridge, shooting at home or in a studio is good too ;)

2010-05-21 // 14:55:19
Uniquement lorsqu'elles me le demandent gentillement…
Monsieur est un raffiné !

2010-05-21 // 14:29:58
OH, so nice!!!
it reminds me a well know Trevor Brown "Madonna Drawing" »link

Ah, je vois ! Monsieur tape les filles ;) !

2010-05-21 // 14:27:07
When being devoured by such a monstrous schwammerl, it is best to raise the chin.

Extremely sexy - this look, this angle. And very French, somehow. It's like a scene from a film that begins with lots of gratuitous, entirely plot-unrelated French sex.

So have you found a way to keep the colours cool? Do they stay cool if you keep the picture in the fridge for a while?

Haha, I anticipated the schwammerl, so I framed accordingly !

I love your comment : "It's like a scene from a film that begins with lots of gratuitous, entirely plot-unrelated French sex."

It is quite true. This picture, somehow, makes me think of Brigitte Bardot's attitude in the famous scene in "Le Mépris" with Michel Piccoli, when she asks "et mes seins, tu les aimes, mes seins ? " et me fesses, tu les aimes, mes fesses ?" .

This is a picture of a print from the nineties, when the girl (Helena Noguerra ) was then a famous model ( »link ) and extremely used to this kind of posing.

This picture stayed 24 hours in the upper compartment of the fridge. It is on my desk now and it seems that the colors don't change...The other 2 pix turned yellow.