2010-05-27 // 22:48:30
Photo history
you love this one as histerically as I do?
I doooooooo
(please imagine hystorically histerical voice)

2010-05-27 // 18:27:22
yeah! In vier Monaten werde ich da auch sein!!

..und gute monatswahl
nur deppen wie ich machen das im mai
40 grad - jeden tag knapp am kreislaufkollaps vorbeigeschrammt..

2010-05-27 // 16:07:50
hmmph i dont know how ill top giza.. what an amazing place :)
hey, I took no pic of the sphinx (or at least no herzeigbares) just so you got a chance to top the pyramids!
now am I the suessester or what?

2010-05-27 // 14:51:45
please award yourself the people's monument prize even if you aren't allowed to vote for your own.
thankyou kindly, sir
the monumental prize looks quite good above my bed

..but huch! I'm not allowed to vote for myself?
since when?
do you know where I can return my 3 SotDs?
(dammit, I'm gonna miss them!)