2010-06-13 // 21:35:20
pareil chez moi, quelle bouse ce film ! et quels pigeons nous sommes !

2010-06-11 // 16:26:14

did you experience anything silimar with your PX100 shots?
from my own shots, I got the impression the problem is a 600 one exclusievely..

hmm... without being AS bad as the 600 yet, i cant say my px100 are in very good state either: this was a few weeks ago, and they have gotten a little bit worse since then: »link
always fun to experiment though!

2010-06-11 // 15:38:43

mes condoléances

haha, merci webbo :)

2010-06-11 // 14:18:51
ah ouais quand meme !
eh ouais! :)

2010-06-11 // 11:18:20
The killer marmalade from outer space. It's horrific. I think I'm going to open up all my old PX600 pictures this weekend. Seems the only chance to halt the horror.
haha, you've described it perfectly!! :)

2010-06-10 // 23:24:42
question.. how did you store this one??
looks good bravo!

well, i just kept it in a photo album...
i'd say it looks "cooked" rather than "good", though ;)

2010-06-10 // 22:10:55
bw600 on speed with a little art.tz topping.

yeah, strange mix... ;)

2010-06-10 // 20:19:06
S0, we have to use the scanner to save our Pola?
seems so - that didnt happen to all px600 users though, some packs seem to have been "healthier" than others ;)

2010-06-10 // 19:50:59
Finalement pas besoin de micro-onde pour ce genre de rendu, juste choisir le film adapté...
eh oui.. :)

2010-06-10 // 19:35:51
R.I.P. PX600...

i wonder what levels of natural deterioration of PX600 can reach... !