2010-07-16 // 18:31:30
Love this. The broken spar on the window frame.
thank you- its the most lovely decrepit little fishing boat!

2010-07-11 // 13:24:25
my fave of this lot. not sure why, i think i just like the view. ;)
thanks...i think the 79 version of this is better- »link

The colours are nicer on the wood. i got a bit obsessed by the view too!

2010-07-11 // 10:59:57
fantastica, brava!!

thanks luis!

2010-07-11 // 01:50:57
I love this one so much! Perfectly framed and I love the wind in her hair.
Thank you very much...yes the wind was perfect actually, i had hoped it would do that - wasn't so great when i wanted the balloons to rise vertically rather than blowing all over the place though! I 5ook another one of these on the 600SE, yet to come...I was having a camera crisis and wasnt sure which one I liked better...