2010-07-17 // 11:15:10
ha, i saw it's one of yours from the thumbnail, but only on second sight i noticed the sheetfilm borders and was, hey?!? i welcome you to this world (as long as it will us last). they have a wonderful haptic feel, haven't they?
oh, i don't think it's underexposed. maybe a tiny bit more light at the eyes area, but otherwise i like how it emerges.
the ektar reminds me more to vintage/20's portrait lenses here, which fit the subject very well.
have you used a filter? otherwise it would be incredible you got this unusual tones with expired 79 which are so 'merge-like'

Well thanks for looking twice. Honestly I just have a handful of this 79 film, so I'll only break it out now and then (there are one or two more in this series with the 79), but I DO love, love, love the borders, not to mention the most outstanding presentation once peeled (what an utter shame Polaroid killed themselves). If it doesn't look underexposed it's because I had to wrench on the curves, which then threw off the brightness and so on - so yes, it has been worked over a bit (I do try to keep the positives relatively pure - relatively). No filter, though these colors are just a bit desaturated from the original, which are fairly orangish/reddish - maybe my crappy lights "help." I do love the aero-ektar too...