2010-12-01 // 03:25:53
Este díptico fue la bomba tio, me flipa
Gracias de nuevo!

2010-08-11 // 15:03:02
amor manet!
motu propio!

(took me a while)

2010-08-11 // 14:59:35
memento mori!
tempus fugit!

2010-08-11 // 14:40:48
Yes ! Yes ! Yes !
Merci! Merci! Merci!

2010-08-11 // 14:20:55
keine Angst, Atzen-Jünger ...
es ist eher eine freudige Anbetung ... (a)men

Entschuldigung, bin ich gerade GESEGNET worden?!

Ofiziell bist du als Guru angestellt, ich werde dir in Ziegen bezahlen.

2010-08-11 // 13:21:43
Ist das ein Befehl? I sort of haven't eaten enough beans to please you ipso facto, but i'll try my gassy best, Guru

2010-08-11 // 13:11:12
Once again, your gleaming eyeball brightens the gloom of my existence. And I must fly towards it, I must, I must. (Quick. put some goggles on.)
I would smile, but that would only worsen the brightness issue. I better stop being so attractive right away.

2010-08-11 // 10:43:11
wonderful combo!

your polas are great inspiration!

Wow, thank you!

2010-08-11 // 02:17:56

Dear Man-Moth:

Congratulations on your beautiful SoTD~

What a wonderful text, took me my time to read it carefully. I never heard of Mrs Bishop, will have to find more of her.

Thanks, Miss Iowa. You do honor to that title by your yellow corn sweetness.

2010-08-09 // 13:54:03
I love this. I totally can feel your killer light narrative.
Thank you, monsieur. Very much appreciated

2010-08-09 // 13:18:35
love the result!!
Thank you!

2010-08-09 // 11:24:12
cool results...
its killing me that i cant post mine at the moment...

Thank you! I will take a look as soon as you're able to post them