2010-10-08 // 12:58:45

Hm, are you really sure you want an interpretation? haven't I butchered your photos enough with my interpretations? Plus my interpretations usually revolves around the same theme. Depression, isolation, etc.

but......... since you asked nicely. here it goes.
He's obviously trying to get back to something/someone the question is, is it worth it? He needs to really consider the proscons. Or maybe he already has and thinks he's better off?

Personally, i'd go over the hill and never look back. but i also have this fantasy of taking a train and changing my name to Justin and never look back.

I like interpretations. I like the way everyone sees a bit of themselves in everything. Justin probably ran over the hill just before this was taken.

My model said he thought the couple were trying to run from a swarm of invisible bees or another unseen external enemy, and they both wanted to run in different directions and take the other to safety. Basically, they were trying to save themselves and each other but failing through not pulling in the same direction.

I think the woman wants the man to pick up his own bloody underpants before he goes off the the pub.

2010-10-08 // 12:32:42
impressive as always!
Hey there. Thanks.

What do you think is going on here?

2010-09-13 // 12:47:29

what fun.

We will be holding auditions shortly, if you're interested.

2010-09-10 // 14:16:17
Hobo-sexual ones. And a skinny teenage white horse with identity issues
I think we have a movie script.

2010-09-10 // 14:09:55
You should paint a huge, scary, red giant over the windmill, just like the monsters in 'The forbidden planet'. That would make you a scifi Sancho.
Shouldn't there be space-donkeys, too?

2010-09-10 // 13:46:36
Tell him they ain't giants
What makes you so sure?

2010-09-09 // 16:02:11
damn. easily foxed.
No, no. You got the answer dead right. You didn't fall for it. The windmill wins. The windmill always wins.

2010-09-09 // 12:16:30
I wouldn't mess with the windmill, personally. those blades look sharp
Yes. Very good. It was, of course, a trick question.

2010-09-09 // 10:47:40
Who wins? Jack, Jill, none of the above, all of the above?