2010-11-18 // 19:06:01
Umm..ur...aaa..damn that Freud!! Please just keep the spigot flowing out into the stream of consciousness. Your wit and charm is most addicting...I'm suppose to be racking some leaves before the snow falls today! Oh, well. Keep up the good work and never let it be said that you past up a good "in your windows".
Fondley (ah..hum) Yours
John (a very popular name in this state)

2010-11-18 // 16:34:34
You definitely have a spotlight on you (pun intended)! The creativity is off the charts...hell...you can make your own charts and sell them. Great body...of work (he said with his tongue in his cheek). Good job Sweetheart...keeping them coming.
From the desert of long shadows...John Gee

Er... was "keep them coming" a pun too?