2011-04-09 // 00:15:38 edulterado this picture is beautiful, I really love it
2010-11-07 // 05:43:20 RhettRedelings Brilliant work. Why hasn't this been SoTD yet?
2010-10-08 // 00:09:41 mattjudas perfect!
2010-10-07 // 13:45:46 noidmeister nice to see this again!
2010-10-07 // 00:53:58 Amamason this is just beautiful!
2010-10-06 // 23:37:18 oliver.zelinski I remember that! one of the the first perfect PX100FF pic... still works ; )
2010-10-06 // 18:47:08 charlynw So lovely!