2010-11-11 // 21:56:27


2010-10-15 // 13:04:07
Apocalyptic glory!
Apocalyptic: My feelings when i saw that the wind was blowing the cartridge away from the camera...
Glory: The time i've seen the result of this almost destroyed image!
Thank you very much!!!

2010-10-09 // 13:17:19
sehr schönes bild! aber weshalb 'land of the dead'?
Danke vielmals!!!
'land of the dead' deshalb, weils im Nationalpark aufgenommen wurde in dem tausende von toten Bäumen rumliegen.

2010-10-08 // 19:40:27
Looks like some picture taken in Normandie during the D-day
Oh my god this would have been a great day !
If everybody has their polaroid-cameras, loaded with different types of film and shooting each other!
Even no need to use kunstblut in my personal version of the D-Day!

2010-10-08 // 02:13:42
love this Bastian : )
Thank you very much rachael!
I've tried to shield this directly from the light but the wind blows up the cardridge i was tapping on the camera...
It was a good wind ;-)

2010-10-07 // 19:58:14
Bastian is tops! ;)
(heehee...sorry, I couldn't resist... :P )

No problem, it's good to hear!
You can give me more ;)
Thanks for voting!

2010-10-07 // 15:46:53
Lajos Gombos
the top!
It was hard to reach but it was it worth!