2010-11-02 // 13:51:01

2010-10-21 // 22:17:56
going back to your roots !!!

2010-10-19 // 22:44:33
thanks for reminding me who one of my absolut heroes is.
really wonderful effort, i will be the one to love the softest of focus on this one, where you guys regret it (stellvertretend).
my utmost respect for the lighting!

I appreciate your saying so. Thank you. I basically guessed lighting and used a tall floor lamp. I couldn't place the lamp low enough and shine so the shadow was long as in the original image but it's close enough. I was really surprised how it came out. Thanks again!

2010-10-19 // 21:21:27

dont know if I should be more grateful to esther for coming up with this project - or to you, for this great submission

..actually it feels like the two of you are in cahoots
this project seems to be made especially for you!

wondaful, really

Cheers Lexi. I was thrilled to see the new project and jumped on it straight away. My favorite type work and a good reason to shoot film. I am happy to contribute to a cool project and can't wait to see all the entries. I hope to see something from you too!

2010-10-19 // 19:59:32
I love both (actually all 3) Esmarelda.

This is my personal favourite. You and Kiki could be twins. You nailed the "look" of 1926 perfectly & you couldn't have chosen a better Master to clone.

/Please, don't take the following as a criticism (it's just a thought that came to my mind)... I think the perfect 'finishing touch' would have been your own signature at the bottom right of the photo./

Your photos are always inspiring & you really do shine in the projects. I hope you do more for this one.

(ps - how do you do the inline photo in the tip? i used to know but i can't find that long lost helpful email from another polanoid friend. i tried, but no joy. i'm quite retarded when it comes to html.)

Wow funny you mention the signature. I actually tried to add it...using photoshop of course but couldn't quite get it right so I left it out. Your comments were so nice and I thank you so kindly. I'm going to try it again over the weekend with another Man Ray image and will cross my fingers. What's more important is that is fun!

As far as the inline photo....I hosted it on my flickr and used the code that makes the image appear. I tried to cut and paste the code here for you to see but for some reason it doesn't show up in the text. Argh.

2010-10-19 // 12:25:54
at first I was a bit snooty about this being out of focus but I see it now as a clever subversion. unbeatable shots but I'll try and participate next weekend!
I thought that said snooky! Haha. Hey Jay thanks for that. Yea not as sharp as the other ones...that;s because I failed to clean off the haze of dust on the portrait lens filter. I kinda wish I hadn't though. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do. I got a few more up my sleeve as well. Cheers!

2010-10-18 // 11:08:16
Ooooh excellent! You make a wonderful Kiki.
Thanks again my dear. I'm trying to figure out where I got the knot on the side of my forehead! I just hope my eyebrows grow back. Oy.