2010-11-10 // 22:59:41
Forgot to give my vote and fav for this great of you!

:-) danke dir!

i love cities!! 1000s of people all togheter scares me, i've no prob with animals but i don't like cats picture (or let's say most of them, i think there's one on here by CDR that is just great) same WOW! for the sotd with julia and ? don't remember right now the name of your dog. (brilliant) and about trees...well, it's a long story...it's not completely true that i don't like them it's just that i can get bored of them from time to time...most noiders can think the same about my selfportrait and well...I completely agree!! :-) eh eh

2010-11-03 // 00:00:26


2010-10-26 // 17:11:13
wow! what a big apparel! )
hey! actually i was waiting for your comment :-) les big apparel n'est pas moi mais...i have a bigger one :-) take care amigo

2010-10-25 // 13:02:44
Can't wait to see the Paganini Mimmo go up. The first shot with the B&J. A big moment.

I did the mini-us's yesterday and set up the little scene. It looks pretty funny but the shot wouldn't work on integral film (too much contrast), so I'm going to try with some packfilm tonight. You do suit that wig.

I keep the paganini upload for wednesday once I´ll be back from Bruxelles, I want it as a big event: your first B&J shot and (maybe) the last Mimmo´s pic in Munich.
finger crossed!

2010-10-25 // 11:50:02
hahahaha! genial!
Merci! waiting for your upload now!

2010-10-25 // 11:08:49
Stunning - the frying pan, the camera, the cotton-filled hamster cheeks, the cigar-clamping lip. I'd never have believed how tricky this would be to get right. I have happy memories of our large format day. (Especially of all the things I can't remember doing.)
Large format day? uhm...ah! I know what are you talking about, Mimmo was telling me about the LF day, good fun and he showed me the paganini picture aswell and well...I´m still spitting tobacco...such a child this mimmo.

2010-10-25 // 10:26:22
Fantasticaaaaa!!!! Tu sei fantastico, la foto è fantastica, la padella è fantastica! Sei il n.1!!! Ti auguro di vincere il progetto! Io intanto ho votato!
Un bacione!

sono un pagliaccio :-) e quando collaboro con altri noider dó il meglio di me...grazie! besos

2010-10-24 // 23:49:14
This project is bringing out the best of the best. Each entry floors me, then the next one comes along raising the bar. Excellent job everyone, but Weegee takes the cake so far (for me, a huge weegee fan)!
oh la la !! for sure this project is REAL FUN !! get your wig and join the crazyness!!

2010-10-24 // 22:18:15
nice one! Esther doesn't like people actually lighting cigars near her kitchenware, no?
i didn´t dare to lit the cigar so don´t really know...but still have tobacco in my mouth. thanks jay.

2010-10-24 // 20:45:48
HA! You are kind and the same to yours. This is going to be a great project and one of the best. I'll stay at 4 entries.....for now. Har.

2010-10-24 // 20:35:29
A flash in the PAN! Bravo! Weeg would be proud. Super great entry.
Thank you Esmarelda, this is an original EZS flashpan :-)
your uploads in the project are very inspiring.

2010-10-24 // 19:22:55
una tipica forma di italianità. Ma l'ironia supera brillantemente l'espediente. bravo giulio. v+f
grazie Kite, è stata una sessione decisamente divertente!

2010-10-24 // 18:26:58
love the DIY flash!
in mancanza d' altro bisogna arrangiarsi in qualche modo :-)