2010-11-12 // 13:21:42
Only two for the pinky? What about the poor stinky? No, no, i actually think i discovered a bearded woman fetish with this picture. And i'm almost 70% serious.
I see. Rodeo sleeps with clowns. Maybe you should both run away and join a circus.

2010-11-11 // 22:43:58
To what my taste concerns, lady, this should be in the Xposed section. So hot it even got burnt.
It's the hand gesture isn't it? It turns me on, too.

2010-11-01 // 12:19:25
nice beard
It tickles a bit.

2010-10-31 // 18:44:19
You nailed the hand gesture perfectly. Perfectly. I wanted to do Jesus....well that isn't sounding so right. But it looks delicious in my head though. Haha.
"Nailed" the hand gesture - haaa. Was that an accidental pun? How excellent.

I think we all want to be Jesus some of the time. But as Recurrentdream pointed out, I've really only managed Charles Manson. Heigh ho.

I've just spent the day doing another Bettie pic, by the way. Cavorting on fake turf with more plastic animals.

2010-10-30 // 09:35:08
You resemble Charles Manson more than Jesus.


This reminds me of when I was in high school. I was fascinated by serial killers. (their motives mostly) I was doing research on Charles Manson and looked up one of his victims. Apparently, one of his victims graduated from my high school. (of course this was over 30+ years long before i was born) Well, there was this one teacher who has been there since the school opened up. I remember talking to another student (who was in the same class as me) about the information that I had found. The student asked him in class if he knew about the victim who was murdered by the charles manson family. He replied with, "Yes, i had him in this very class." He stopped the class and went into further detail about the victim. His response sent chills down my back. It's always shocking when someone is murdered in the home-town you live in.
here he is, the victim.

2010-10-29 // 16:15:49
Did I ? Yes, I confess...

Pls read this excellent comment by Jay on "escape"

Clever man. (I'm sure he'll find the place if he thinks about it long enough.)
I'm exactly the same height as Charles Manson, too! Perhaps I should change the tags.

So the kid from your school was killed during the Sharon Tate killings. That's a very chilling story. Especially the string of meaningless coincidences that brought him there - to the wrong place at the wrong time.

2010-10-29 // 16:11:30
Let me fall on my knees...
Have you sinned?