2010-11-20 // 19:39:35

2010-11-09 // 12:18:18
Yammi Smolka
I feel proud and honoured that( with just a little tiny intervention) you like the pic. no photoshop, I SWARE. lightning, yes and make up, of course A LOT . but finally my birch model felt so proud in her famous wall outfit that you can still find her, standing just behind the (famous) Jahrhunderthalle Bochum/ Germany. hihi

2010-11-09 // 11:06:38
This is the most incredible entry so far. I do SO agree with the Webmeister. Famous wall morphs into famous birch, famous birch morphs into famous wall. But please, before I decide whether or not to have all my accounts deleted and my credit card details published: you must swear to me that this amazing effect was all achieved with make-up, string and egg cartons , and not in Photoshop.

2010-11-08 // 22:24:50

we have the winner!!!

esther, I know this time it's your job to choose winners
and I don't wanna prejudice you at all

.. but to be fair, I just see it as my duty to inform you of the fact that if you don't choose *this* pic as the winner, I will have to delete your (and all of your beloved ones) polanoid account, your (and all of your..) impossible shop account - and post your creditcard data (and that of all your...) you have stored in the aforemetioned shop to some russian servers ..

I really dont wanna influence your winner decision
not at all
just some well-meant information about the consequences...

2010-11-08 // 21:41:05

scheniaaaale idee!
rein damit!
sie wissen ich liebe provokation, blutige nasen (und von der bruecke geworfene steine auf den bauch)

am besten in die description als original ein link aufs selbe bild
ein traum
rein damit!
der sieg is ihnen gewiss!

2010-11-08 // 21:01:31

abgesehen davon, dass "neues testament" irgendwie cooler war (ich mag so geheimnisvolle sachen), kann ich an dem bild nix aussetzen
sehr schoen

die frage is nur - wie lassma dich *damit* das project gewinnen???

wird verdammt hart
aber ich liebe herausforderungen!

jetz wo ich drüber nachdenk, hab ich ne lösung: die birke hat sich als mauer verkleidet, oder, noch besser, die mauer als birke. also, soll ich ins projekt damit?