2010-11-15 // 14:48:44
Thanks Webbo. I like the idea of speeding up the drying with a hairdryer or something but I wonder if this will bring on the colour shift as it dries? If it doesn't then maybe just drying it out will avoid the shift completely.....

2010-11-15 // 11:14:50
Thanks for the research! This looks like the best result to me - the combination of time + fridge seems to take care of most problems....
really seems to depend on a lot of different factors
in early stages the iron seems to work bettah, in later ones the fridge..

as soon as the whole soup inside the pic is completely dry, the peeling works best without any tricks

but as it seems this can take weeks
and then it might already be too late to save the colors..

maybe one should try to simply speed up the drying process and then do the simple dry-peel
will continue to play around - maybe the hairdryer or sumfin like that will do the trick...