2011-06-18 // 14:39:48
very nice atmosphere.

2011-04-25 // 22:34:43
tripod on the edge...
always on the edge..

(i just needed sth to fix the composition, not the camera itself, i still had it in my hand of course. funny thing is, shortly before i sold my longer berlebach wooden tripod, as i never was in need for it. but you see, i still not really am ;)

2011-04-17 // 16:32:02

the shoes, the shoes! and something small, on the floor.

a mouse.
with a bell in it's belly.

lately, i found a white alligator under the fridge.
on wheels.
i took a photo, but i haven't bleached the neg yet.

(the shoes are in the tag. there's just no way to translate this perfectly fitting word ;)
I've just been at this image (isn't it funny, how one -or I?- comes back to this little archive instead of digging through one's own files?) for a totally different reason (I needed it) and (of course) was re-reading the comments. And just have to say -
I really adore your sharp, open-for-what-is, giving-it-time-view. For details. Details I even wasn't aware of in the process of the image-making; not that I overlooked them, they just were natural, and such, fine for me, but surely not being aware of them being noticed. The more it makes me happy, hand-clapping making a roll in the air (oh how much would I be able to it in real!) happy somebody -you- is recognizing it/them. I truly adore if others are a capable of widening my own view on images I took. It can take me years to get this view.. It's always a difference.. the image on the inner eye, the one one had in mind. And the actual one. And it's so much more.
And that's what it is about.
This image always will be the one with the little mouse with a bell in it's belly as well. And my Puschen.

2011-04-13 // 05:57:02
ahh... you make me smile... lots and lots


2011-04-12 // 23:43:04
Well thank you, if I find myself in Hamburg, I would love to drop in!

2011-04-12 // 17:55:22
A fine set up!
you're welcome to step in for a coffee, when you're around.

just be prepared you might (as i sometimes forget about it) end up on the wall left (but you can note on the backside that you don't want it see to get uploaded, if you prefer).

2011-04-11 // 21:00:00
excellent ! ah ah ah !