2011-04-14 // 14:14:12
Is your message as an artist, 'clean your teeth, don't kill the clown'? Because it sounds awesome...

Look, a window.

2011-04-14 // 13:10:30
Hey, now i read the title!

Man, i have a short attention span...

This is actually the moment of death we are seeing. He will probably topple like a tree into a barrel of confetti after this.

2011-04-14 // 13:09:49
The crosses in the eyes indicate death. As he's standing (rigor mortis) i suppose he might have died in the last 3-4 hours.

My point: don't whisper to recently deceased clowns. Nothing good can come out of that.

2011-04-14 // 13:03:03
Broken ice machine?
Discontinued lipstick, I think.

2011-04-13 // 16:47:51
Aaawwww don't be so sad you lovely clown!
I think this girl tells you a nice story of a young boy playing with stones near a creek...
I hope you are feeling better right now?

Sad clowns may break your heart, but it could be a big mistake to cheer them up. After all, happy clowns are the scariest things on earth.

Hm... perhaps I should try to create an emotionally neutral clown.