2011-05-24 // 15:37:46

It's been an amazing adventure, following your story in polas. I'm sorry about Lex. But, glad you are here and shared these pictures, and I hope there'll be more someday.

hey thanks for the kind words,however My Iowa,must say that i enjoy your work too..and look forword to your next shot.,steve

2011-05-23 // 22:56:56
cool shot, so sorry about lex.
thanks Penny,i enjoy your work aswell,its cool and sexy...

2011-05-21 // 21:50:36
Good shot of you and Rex together. I have the impression from your photos and commentary that Rex was a good friend, sorry to hear of his demise.
thank you for the comment David,but like you say,one has to learn how to let go...although somtimes its easyer said than done,but hey life goes on.