2011-05-24 // 10:08:03
This is my favorite from the series!

It's creepy how his dad's teeth are perfectly alined with his..

My imagination is trying to manifest a face there - and a bottom set of teeth.

Yeeees. I know what you mean. While taking this picture, I kept thinking that the vodka might burst into Elvis-shaped flames if his dad chose to manifested himself around the teeth. That would have made a fantastic picture, of course.
Actually, I could have suggested lighting the alcohol to see what happened, but then that would have been too macabre and disrespectful. (And it might have caused another hotel fire.)

2011-05-24 // 01:43:24
This is exactly what Vinna sees in the morning when she wakes up. Le dentier dans le verre d'eau. Poor girl !
Actually, I always think false teeth look rather infectiously cheerful. I mean,just look at that lovely smile? How could anyone resist that?