2011-05-27 // 12:28:21
I got the idea when I gave the transparency-technique that came up for the newer blackframes a try. so far, I tried everything with no success. so I thought, hairdryer, why not? doesn't work with those either, but I realized/remembered the main problem with old ones is that they're so WET inbetween the mylar and the image. even the ones I 'negative-peeled' (image on the mylar, negative on the other part) right after shooting faded after a while to nirvana, and probably due to that. the only one I could keep was one I peeled/lifted the mylar the traditional way after one day - but that'll wrinkle the edges, what I don't like.
so - when I tried to peel this time I realized the problem with the wrinkling are the edges where the emulsion gets thinner and starts to stick. I took an x-acto knive and cutted through the mylar, right at the white frame. works without cutting through the whole image. then I gently lift the mylar with the blade, and voila, fading stopped (so far, two weeks now, but as the further developing stopped as well, which normally went on for a few days as well, I guess it's a good sign), and no wrinkles at the edges. it is so wet inbetween that it easily comes off.
the only downside the surface being quite fragile now and more prone to damage of course.
will see how they are in a few months or years, but for now, it's the only way that worked for me. I have them flat on a desk, in the light since, and it doesn't matter.
I did it with a few within an hour maybe with good results, and with ones from an evening before with little wrinkling.

I should post this to fickr, but I guess all the hipsters don't have any (interest in) PX FF anymore.

2011-05-25 // 13:01:32
mine have been not really different than my previous ff, so i don't complain, it was a good offer.
do you still have some? i think i found a way to keep them stable, but it only works soon after shooting, and probably only with the first flush. so far they look the same, it even stops the disappearing of the fairy dust one sometimes gets in the beginning.

I really like the Bruch, and hope Impossible Project does similar offers in the future. I got a mixture of px100 and px600 films (plus 1 milk edition), and still have a few packs to shoot. Most pictures have been fine - I had one pack which faded within hours but maybe this is due to being (at the time) near the sea on a very wet, windy day.
So, when I say "least-rubbish" I'm really putting the blame on the photographer, rather than the film :-)

How do you store your bruch images?

2011-05-24 // 23:52:39
very cool
Thanks! To me, these pictures represent procrastination, since they were shot whilst I was supposed to be writing an assignment (hence being awake at 4am to hear the news of Osama Bin Laden's death)