2011-11-14 // 17:32:22
thank you Esther.
you are great :-)

2011-11-14 // 13:42:09
Fabio is his name.
Well, I hope Fabio has a wonderful teddy to help him on his way through childhood.

2011-10-21 // 21:48:12
this is the shot of the day my son is born!
That's great! How fitting. Congratulations on your little boy. What's he called?

2011-09-02 // 07:24:53
Aw, i'd missed that amazing one from you! And how funny - after clock time, teddy bear time for both of us ;)
Thanks Emilie. And yes, the telepathy weirdness continues. Funny how the one object we planned to use at the same time - Marion's key - still hasn't appeared.

2011-07-18 // 09:07:41
love this!
Thanks a lot!

2011-06-30 // 17:44:26

You're learning?
A beginner?

I can't wait to see what you do after a bit more practise.

Truly looking forward to your 'best ideas'.

Could you give me one? ;)

I'd "give you one" anytime, Oré. I think you know that.

2011-06-20 // 20:08:33
I am a fan of your work, but this picture is too cliche for me
Hell, I'm just amazed I managed to produce something this competent at all on my very first attempt with 4x5! I'm allowing myself a learning curve, which means approaching this format humbly as a beginner, starting simply by learning from others who know what they are doing and then - when I have the skill, understanding and confidence - developing my own style as I go on. I believe in learning to walk before I try to run, and I've chosen to share this openly on Polanoid - hence the family, boyfriend and cat shots. Those are also clichés, but as I've been saying all along, I'm giving myself time to practise - to work out how what looks and why. So for the moment, I'm saving the best ideas for a time when I know what I'm doing and can hopefully a) make a better job of them and b) waste less of this rare and expensive film trying to achieve them.

My sympathy to all who may find this process a bit boring to watch, but I still intend to give myself all the space I need and I'm afraid I still intend to post the results, because Polanoid seems the right place to do that - the only place, in fact.

2011-06-18 // 13:23:17
tres tres beau bravo
Monsieur Z, merci. Hope you are well.

2011-06-18 // 12:54:01
Stunning, really. Bravo, dear.
Merci cheri.

2011-06-18 // 12:31:08
Kodak Ektoplasmar? smeared with 4.7mm of KY Jelly?
Sheer vertical learning curves are the best. Well done.
Did you get teddy to hover upside down in the air while you composed and then set the self-timer and dashed 'round and grabbed him by the ankle?

Oh bollocks. You did read it. And I've just looked at the camera and noticed that it's not even a Kodak lens. It's a Graflex Optar. Still, I got the -ar part right, which is pretty impressive of me. Arrrr.

Bobo's martial arts proficiency was crucial to this shot. He leapt up from the ground and did a back flip, placing his leg into my hand at the moment the shutter was released. I originally wanted to have someone else pose for me with the bear while I composed the shot and then carefully swap places with them, but Bobo insisted that this way was best and he was right, as usual.

2011-06-18 // 12:08:28
My goodness, Esther, this is a fantastic LF shot - it has everything i love about the format.... Congrats on the breakthrough - and congrats on a very well deserved sotd!
Thank you so much for that. It was a tense moment, finally using the 4x5 stuff, not really knowing how it was going to come out. But luckily, it must have really helped that I'd looked at some of the great LF shots on this site beforehand and worked out how I thought they'd been done. (Polanoid is a better teacher for us all than any photography course or book could ever be.)

Anyway, the learning process will continue. I feel like I still need to find my own style in this format - some time when I have more skill and confidence, I think that's going to be the most exciting phase.

2011-06-18 // 10:57:48
Still in love with your teddy bear!!!
He must be so wild!

A girl should never forget her bear.
Bobo here is actually a professional bodyguard, so in his case, the maxim holds especially true.

2011-06-18 // 05:52:57
brilliant! congrats.
Oh! From the "swing master" no less. Thank you very much. Your LF work was THE major source of inspiration while I was browsing the site for LF work, trying to get a feel for it.

2011-06-18 // 02:37:26
I knew it I knew it I knew it ! Bravo Milady !
O you dear Goddess of the pure hearted ones, do not be alarmed if on July the 3rd I copycat this picture - same Teddy bear, hopefully !

Thank you. I look forward to seeing your version. But Philippe, I hope you do not intend to abduct Bobo for the purpose. If so, you should know, he masters five different forms of martial arts, telekinesis and ventroliquy.

2011-06-18 // 01:36:57
Waouh! Well deserved!
Yipeee, thank you!

2011-06-17 // 23:15:59
::what a wonderful picture, love it::
Thank you. Must hold a little party tonight with the bear and the camera.

2011-06-17 // 19:45:34
there you go! wellcome to the New World!
Here I am, ready to play with the big boys and girls.

2011-06-17 // 18:29:44
Im also looking forward to join the team....
Question of time.
You do good, as always!

It's hard to resist when you see some of the amazing shots other one-time beginners are now able to make. That's the beauty of Polanoid, I think. It encourages you to take the plunge in new directions and believe in your ability to master things you would never otherwise have dreamed of trying. I look forward to seeing your debut!

2011-06-17 // 18:11:31
New to large format? Damn! Way to kick down the door and make your presence known. Great shot.
Ha ha, thank you! I was weirdly nervous about using this film. Which is why I've ended up biding my time for months. But now I'm here. So watch out, LF crowd. There's a new kid in town!

2011-06-17 // 14:59:56
cool. :-)
The journey starts here.

2011-06-17 // 14:09:17
lucky teddy bear, sharing this historic (heroic!) moment with you.
very fairy...

Bobo has earned the honour, having protected me during many spooky TV moments.

2011-06-17 // 14:05:37
now that you are into LF you should indicate at least the lens used, the aperture and the speed...
Oh but that spoils the fun of being all mystic and secretive about your LF techniques. Isn't that what LF is all about?

Anyway, just for you: 4.7 plus 1/50.

2011-06-17 // 13:41:58
not sure if i want to fave the reversed negative...have to think about it :-)
great shot btw, which lens did you have on your speed graphic? just curious.

Well, I have scanned the positive too, so I can put that later and then you can fave without having to crucify yourself for it.

The lens is a... Hmm. I've forgotten. It's not the Kodak Ektar but I think it is a Kodak something-ar (God, I hope Jay doesn't read this. He'll have a fit.)