2011-06-20 // 12:33:19
this is amazing John...
Thank you steve...for swing by.
In this case...it was the mystical location that that really made the image appear. I was just a witness.

2011-06-20 // 11:10:15
What an incredible place it must be. Looking at all those peaks makes me feel slightly panicky.
Ya know Esther...there were so many precipice there...I couldn't have made the hikes ...if it wasn't for the wonderful coca tea that the Inca's used.
Looking at the peaks...only made me wonder...how many more mystical secret sites that are hidden from our view.
Thank you Sweetheart for stopping in.
Take Care...John

2011-06-20 // 09:46:33
beautiful place john..
It probaly goes without saying...this is indeed...a beautiful planet with many treasured sites that inspire one to wonder.
Thanx noah for having a visit and a look see.

2011-06-19 // 22:48:32
Completly Awesome. I wanna be there and dream a little bit...
Thks for sharing.

The beauty of the location...was incredible. I can understand why the Inca monarchy chose that place...because it seem to touch something deep within me.
I was indeed...very lucky to be able to make the jounery.
Thank you for your visit and I'm very pleased that you enjoyed the image.