2011-07-25 // 02:05:58 EricBoyd Wonderful
2011-06-24 // 17:34:20 g. :)
2011-06-24 // 15:08:17 ausra Thanks a lot for Your votes and favs. I'm very happy to have won my first ShotOfTheDay award. I wish good luck for all of You.
2011-06-24 // 10:04:24 Keni Nice one, congrats!
2011-06-24 // 04:06:17 gjamroski your 1st SOTD! congrats ;-)
2011-06-23 // 02:40:29 noidmeister nice, all i can say is wow
2011-06-22 // 20:31:45 selander nice picture should be shot for the day