2011-08-25 // 00:16:28

Thank you very much Eric!

2011-07-26 // 22:30:17
great shot!!!
Thanks a lot Rob!

2011-07-19 // 12:06:53
I love these expired pics, burn, burn, burnnnnnnnnnn
I love them too :-)
I was totally happy when i've seen the finished photo!
Thanks for liking it and your comment!

2011-07-17 // 12:21:53
Wieder im Lande!?
Hallo Fräulein!
Wir sind wieder hier, es war einfach nur super!!!
Wie war es bei dir denn? Haben schon das ein oder andere gesehen!
Unsre kannst du auch bald sehen, wenn wir mit scannen jemals fertig werden...

2011-07-17 // 08:01:23
superb expired effects, nice shot
Thank you!
This was a crazy film with bubbles and fire and Schwammerl!

2011-07-17 // 01:22:07
hope you had an amazing trip over here in the wildest of wests!

love that the fire is right on the feather!

looking forward to your photos!

It was amazier than amazing!!!
But also good to be home again!
This is the Yellowstone-feather found on the beach of Yellowstone River and companion the rest of our trip!

So many pictures...follow soon!

2011-07-16 // 21:00:55
welcome back!
Hello Herr Seniore Mister Ullo!
Ich hoffe wir sehen uns bald... :-)