2011-07-31 // 14:48:08
ok, I uploaded something this morning on polanoid but here »link you can see my album
thank you!
awwww so so cool!!! Thanks for sharing these!

2011-07-29 // 23:58:38
I don't know why I though you were in Venice...
hehe yes part of it was in Venice :-D

2011-07-29 // 23:56:35
hi Lia, I love Venice. next time you have to go to Burano.
Have a look to my last pictures I took with PX680. It's great to test color film. I was there last month to do a photographic report and I tryed only one pack film PX680 and one polaroid 600 film

p.s.: the link of your website is wrong, there's a "comma" more after "scattered"

I cannot see it because I'm not obn facebooook oh no!

And thank you for letting me know about the url-problem - changed it now THANKS! Also fpor your time as always and your kind words :-)

)( Lia