2011-11-17 // 22:50:14
Fantastic again and again Phillipe!
I love the Fuji negatives a lot!
And i want to try to bleach them in the near future. What do you use for doing it?
Do you need some "illegal" chemicals or something?

All you need is a typical Javel bleach

make sure you keep your negatives:D !,
take the top a CD plastic cover, stick the neg face down, put a few drops of bleach on the black verso, wait a couple of minutes, brush away the black. Then put under water, wash both sides with regular basic soap, let it dry. Stick the neg at your window, take a digital picture of it. Put it on Ps. Hit cmd I, play with the curves.
with a tiny bit of experience, you'll find it fun to bleach it with no magic tape around your picture, and let the bleach go creeping under the negative to fuck it up. That's the whole idea, IMHO :) !

2011-11-17 // 15:30:05
Thanx ! Pretty inspiring, isn't she :D !?!?