2012-01-05 // 17:25:40
Not even one snowflake fallen yet this winter. Of course up north but not Where i live on the westcoast.
What about you? Take care and Always enjoy to see your work.

One or two weeks of snowing. The other time raining, warm winds, stormy, grey sky...
Not the best winter so hopefully the summer will be better :-)

2012-01-05 // 10:15:10
Yep, great, as usual ( it's starting to be a little anoying :D )
Haha, i know what you mean...
It's always, when i was uploading a picture and i am watching the next day, ok another one... :-D
It's always so good to see that there is a group of people who votes and fav-links our pictures, and they are all such great photographers we always look up to, to the frontpage so it is a really great pleassure for us!!!
THANKS EVERYBODY and you don't have to stop this ;-)

2012-01-04 // 23:33:21
wonderful... I missed it but enjoy it right now
all the best for 2012

Thanks a lot to you and we wish you the same :-)
What's up with the snow in Sweden?

2012-01-04 // 15:29:52
funny and perfectly assembled!!!!
Thanks a lot matt!
It was kind of dangerous to fly around with this balloons :-)
Happy new year to you!

2012-01-04 // 11:03:30
oh wow, how could i miss this?! congrats!
Don't worry emilie, now you got it :-)
Thanks a lot for liking it and writing to us!
A good 2012 for you :-)

2012-01-04 // 08:03:43
Ich muss hier viel öfters mal reinschauen. Dann sehe ich so was nicht erst, wenn es fast zu spät ist :-)

Glückwunsch und ein schönes Neues :-)

Lieber fast zu spät als nie .-)
Vielen Dank für's gefallen und ruhig mal öfters hier reinschauen, es gibt viele interessante Sachen zu entdecken hier!
Dir ebenfalls ein gutes und gesundes neues Jahr!

2012-01-04 // 02:46:22
this is delightful* thank you for always being so clever.
Thank you so much Ixchel!
I tried my best to take a sepia flight but it's not as easy...

2012-01-04 // 02:02:28
Terrific series! thanks for sharing these.


Thank you so much Matt!
It's really good to hear from you. It's not your film...
But i am so excited to know that i have the same a bit bigger :-D
All the best for you in 2012!!!

2012-01-03 // 23:01:20
hej man, happy new year! hope you two celebrated fine! very clever idea, was kind of torn on what kind of project to make, either what it is now or a new years one.. but yeah, alles gute nochmall!
Thank you so much Mister :-)
It was a good change and the celebration was relaxing.
The new year is starting good for us.
Vielen Dank nochmal :-)

2012-01-03 // 21:34:24
na wenn das kein SOTD wird!? ;-) Auch auf dieser Seite frohes neues euch!
Vielen Dank für die Glückwünsche Nepumug :-)

2012-01-03 // 21:15:18
fucky dude.
i like your mind...

Haha and i like "fucky dude" :-)
Thank you so much Mr. L for liking it!
On this day my mind was very stinky... Not too far away from this place, on a big meadow, there was all over fresh dung...
Stinky but funny day :-)

2012-01-03 // 20:40:25
Was braucht denn der Sepia-Film für eine Einstellung an der Kamera? 75, 1500 oder 3000? Will den näml. auch schon lange mal ausprobieren...
Erst mal "Gute Neues" ;-)
Der Film hat 1500 ASA. War bei uns anfangs etwas schwierig mit der Automatik aber mit der Zeit ist's immer besser geworden. Wir hatten ihn anfangs zu stark überbelichtet und hatten schon fast unsere Freude daran verloren. Aber ich (Bastian) mag ihn sehr. Diese schönen bräunlichen farben. Wie s/w nur in braun...
Viel Spass damit :-)

2012-01-03 // 20:26:53
sweet :)
Thank you so much Marion :-)

2012-01-03 // 20:13:49
happy to see some good sepia!...I had a few conflicts with this film, but sometimes they look great!
Our first pack was almost destroyed :-)
We used it in an automatic Landcamera and we don't know what settings we need.
Now we are using the 110a or 180 and it is such a good film. I love the tones of it and also the negative looks good.
Thank you so much for liking this series, it was a funny day :-)

2012-01-03 // 18:48:27
Favolosa Bastiano! Buon anno e grazie per "l'albero" :-) !!!
Gruesse aus Brussel.

Era il mio onore Pronot Ullo!
Tutto il meglio per voi due :-)
Ich hoffe der Google-Übersetzer gibt sein bestes :-)
Viele liebe Grüße aus dem LandOfTheDead!