2012-01-17 // 17:38:33
it 'finally' snowed in vienna today, this is really nice man!
thanks - tomorrow we are expected to get 14 inches (38 cm). We'll see what the camera can get to of that !

2012-01-16 // 21:42:04
Looks like the street lights gave you more than ample lighting.
using 667 I was shooting at 1/30 and f=5.6. the snow illumination + street lamps gave me enough light to pull off a decent shot. If there was no snow (or it wasn't fresh snow) I would have needed to shoot at 1/8 or 1/4.....

2012-01-16 // 20:59:09
Love this. You must have a fine lens on your 250 now, great detail.
Thanks. The lens is a 127mm f=4.7 Rodenstock. It's a nice modification ;-)

2012-01-16 // 15:02:45
wanna haver snow too!
nice winter-pic!

we get snow maybe once a year if we are lucky and it only takes an inch to shut the city down. More is expected today !