2012-01-31 // 22:08:20 noidmeister yeah maybe we'll work something about about the whole.. flow' know what i mean, time to resurrect a ghost :P
It's the IP film that is resurrecting me. Took me some time to get into it, as I was involved in other photo fun... but now that I've had some time and the film has improved, I'm shooting more Pola, less Rolleiflex. And, it's POLANOID more than anything else that cemented my original love affair. I gave mad props to this site to a reporter recently...
2012-01-31 // 17:51:50 CYRILLE PANCHOT So you are just a living dead coming back sometimes!
2012-01-31 // 15:12:24 themagicbus wow, welcome back!!!
ciao, Luis
Luis! May be a temporary return... was just wondering if the upload process was still such a bear. It is, alas. But I miss the place despite the wrinkles.
2012-01-31 // 13:28:36 g. and, he wears sunglasses
g. is still here? Wow. Who knew??? Makes the place feel more comfy, I tell ya.