2012-05-29 // 16:45:06
I totally forgot we discussed the switch at fuji once at flickr. so it was 2003? thanks for the reminder. should check my fuji from 2000. or maybe wait four more years ;)
g, I think how "expired" it looks really depends on storage, like all the instant films. I recently shot some 100C from 1997, only a year fresher but it was from a different seller and it was amazingly crisp, just with a very magenta shift...

2012-05-24 // 15:42:17
great expired colors! just might have to tuck a few away if i can get any :P

2012-05-23 // 22:13:39
you mean one would have to wait 16 years?
or wait... one could also buy 1000 boxes now and do it this way in 16 years!

This is the "old formula" 100c from before 2003, that is just like 689/Provivid... I don't know if the 100c that is available now will expire in the same way. I'll get back to you on that in 16 years ;)

2012-05-23 // 22:06:59
really lovely...