2012-07-10 // 18:16:06
so gothic!!

gothic or not*
LovE rUleZ 4 SuRE

*(as it isnt really, the middle part was just built end 19th, the two towers 55 years ago after the war out of steel and fibre cement on the remaianing parts, but then again gothic nowadays also got a different meaning)
and churches were a mix of many styles by times anyway

its really a wierd one.

2012-07-10 // 06:52:43
Die kenn ich doch!!

2012-07-10 // 00:36:43
Didn't know about the glue mirror thing, I have a blue button Sx revue that doesn't centre, drives me nuts as it's my favorite, my tan one centers just fine, but stays at home:)
I had one where it was loose, so that's how I got to know. But I am afraid to try to adjust not loose ones. krrrkk.