2006-12-01 // 06:47:16
SO cool.

2006-03-30 // 17:08:14
this is amazing congrats on the experiment gone well!

2006-02-16 // 00:56:31
would love to test a cam that has some kind of "focusing system" as well as self timer, that crisp, which uses this film. Which cams do that? Image 1200 and is there a cam called spectra, no? Or something like that? I think there were more than this one...hmm

2005-11-02 // 17:28:11
upsala. COOL!!!!! iICH HAB MAGISCHE KRÄFTE UND HAB EINFACH MA AAAALLES ROT GEFÄRBT!!! harharahraheaheshtvuz!!!!! !!1 Junge junge manchmal übertreff' ich alte Hexe mich selbst!

2005-11-02 // 17:27:21
iiiihh nein danke! :-P

2005-11-01 // 19:15:34
ok, musste nochmal kurz vorbeischaun :-) hihi. em. ja ich geh ja schon :-(
he, ich freu mich immer, wenn du vorbeischaust und mit mir pisswarmen kakao schlürfst

2005-11-01 // 19:13:03

2005-11-01 // 18:19:59
herr doc,

hab' eine alte colorpack 82 bekommen, welchen film kann man der zutrauen?

2005-11-01 // 17:31:19
How did you get two images so sharp and vivid? Darken each shot? Outside's better? please tell me
hey brother, i jam ust a breathtaking sharp fellow ;-).
maybe also this can help: no direct sun, darken to the max, both shots contain smaller light structure on dark background and of course luck.

2005-11-01 // 17:09:02
between you and Lady Hazel Dooney....the art of the self portrait is becoming almost respectable! *shudder*