2014-06-17 // 18:13:43
Ohhhhhh YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Oooooooh thaaaaaaaaaaanks :-)

2014-06-17 // 06:45:30
oh wow!
Thanks for your like Marion :-)

2014-06-17 // 06:15:29
Another great picture!

And won by only 13 votes! On Friday the 13th I had 15 votes, most of that day, and saw a picture of 2010 as SotD?!
I got the feeling that every week the same people are winning!
And this bad feeling has nothing do to with the quality of the, and your, pictures because they are great!!...

Yeah i tink i know what you mean. There isn't that hugh crowd being online here. But it's always the same during the summer months.
People are more outside swimming or doing different stuff than being in front of the computer.
The most important thing is to create images and show them here for having fun. Keep your images coming and help the community to stay alive.

2014-06-17 // 01:37:24
Big congrats !!
A lot of THANKS :-)

2014-06-16 // 21:40:27
ja sehr schön!
habe übrigens auch deinen bericht in der photo klassik gesehen/gelesen, sehr cool!!
gruß, peter

Danke Peter :-)
Freut mich dass dir auch der Artikel gefallen hat. War mir eine Ehre dort veröffentlicht zu werden :-)

2014-06-16 // 18:18:24
Wake up early to go fight the zombies! )
I am with you ; ) Nice shot guy! )

I woke up early to fight the altitude of 500-600 metres...
I won and had such a great strat into the new day :-)

2014-06-16 // 17:52:10
master of mood…..
Thanks for this nice title :-)

2014-06-16 // 15:15:04
Hey Bastian,
Einfach Großartig!!!

Danke dir vielmals Lukas :-)

2014-06-16 // 14:55:42
Fantastic !
My slap of the day !

Thanks a lot my friend :-)