2014-07-17 // 12:37:39 BastianK This is so gorgeous!!!
2014-07-15 // 22:16:37 g. right. and i realize, I hardly used imp. films outdoors for a long time... half for my knee first, half for I'm not rich enough to do this (as a mutual friend had put it in words). though - I love the spectra for hold-the-pressed-button, release, and-let-develop. should give it a try. historic try, haha. (new film is even indoors more narrow than a slide film. uh. possible to do nice things, but - a but.)
happy to see you still use the instant film so "freely" (guess that's not a word), and bound to the material. it's something becoming less and less, but oh so important.
yes. I cannot afford to pay full price for films, sadly...I am using whatever misc. stuff I have around before it gets unuseable...
scanning within a few days of shooting..just in case it decides to fade away...
was that an old-gen-no-return- blackframe? mine was unexpectedly surprisingly like, oh. that. is. working. really. like. a. good. film ;)
yes, it is the old stuff...with a little bit of chemical added to it.
I agree, that it is a nice, good film...for indoor use only...
2014-07-14 // 21:11:15 Elwaxa ...everybody should have the option to vote twice for one shot per month...i would say that black frame is just perfect for this one !!!