2025-02-10 // 14:20:56
Very nice !
That looks like a beautiful film as well !
But apart from some place in Indonesia, google doesn't seem to have much information about "sosopan"
Could you tell us a little more about it ?
Please !

it's a private one-man research, which I had the honour to test. Read more about it here »link
He shows and shares his efforts here »link
be sure to follow the links to get more information

Basically, the "one-bath-process" was not invented by Polaroid, it was known before. Sir Edwin Land just made it perfect.
Today, it is all about to find out which chemicals and widely available materials are good to do it again. And HOW you could do it on your own. I cherish Laurenz for his ideas and efforts. Because yes, it is doable, and if the instant way is yours, it is the way to go.