2005-11-15 // 23:42:09
so funny! and eerie!
Thanks Lia!!!

2005-11-13 // 19:31:30
some cannot live with that fright
use pola's to get rid of that fright....

UhUh.. that's why I am so pola-addicted!!

2005-11-13 // 16:46:33
davvero bella questa... è tuo fratello???
Hai riconosciuto la follia, come somiglianza? Non ne vedo altre... :o)

2005-11-13 // 16:36:40
Wow, how disturbing!
Thanks for the compliment... I am happy I was able to capture the feeling I was looking for!

2005-11-13 // 14:36:00
Good shot! About the "insanity is in all of us" thang ~ you are sooooo right Fab!
I am the only savior and the only sane!... just joking, thanks man!