2006-04-08 // 09:47:28 aundm20 if i ever come to madrid i really have to visit this place. especially for my girlfriend. she does a lot of light-paintingd with her lomo and i think this would be a dramland for her.
2006-02-07 // 19:42:06 stOOpidgErL awesome experiment!
2006-02-06 // 20:11:27 aundm20 you did a realy fine job, man!
2005-11-28 // 23:38:43 jillog very cool!
2005-11-18 // 11:01:15 artpunk Great effect!
2005-11-17 // 23:13:38 britLit i like to do this a lot with digitals, but i've never tried it with my polaroid... looks awesome!