2007-09-27 // 13:38:51
shit, this is good

2006-02-10 // 20:22:52
Coming back to this one because it's so fucking perfect.
stop! you are making me *blush*!

2005-12-29 // 06:31:33
This is awesome,I love it.

2005-12-21 // 03:38:25
Endlessly great series! Incredibly beautiful! I'm with Spito: ART!

2005-12-20 // 17:58:52
80's or 90's it's not that important: want to say it again... ART, baby, ART!

2005-12-20 // 17:00:11
great work
80īs, 90īs... why not 70īs?
everything comebacks sometime

you're right! this image can be representative of so many decades! whatever one can relate to. I am going with the 90s rave era here.

2005-12-20 // 14:51:09
darlin, this is what Wharhol meant to do, but he wasn't creative enough to come up with it! standing ovation *bravo* *bravo* *bravo* (now this is where you come back on stage and take a bow ;-). Excellent piece! vibrant in color vital in composition! and not cross processed....whew...you have officially raised the bar :-))
wow, Bonnie! thanks soooooo much!

2005-12-20 // 14:11:34
This really does look amazing! Great combination.

2005-12-20 // 11:29:43
excellent colours

2005-12-20 // 11:01:53
for sure it's great ART !

2005-12-20 // 10:38:25
This is just amazing!!!
Incredibly creative!!!

2005-12-20 // 10:10:42
wow!! these images are great! So well done and I agree with spitocco, this is ART!

2005-12-20 // 09:33:23
this is fantastic! the colours are great!! Bravo

2005-12-20 // 08:58:46
what a composition... so 80's and so ART!
thanks for pointing that out about this looking 80s-ish.... that didn't even really occur to me... I felt it represented the 90s more... with the whole rave culture, etc.

2005-12-20 // 07:26:44
Excellent! I'd love to see the piece in real life! (Maybe one day I will, when your exhibition tours Melbourne) I'm not joking kid, I envision big things for you!

thanks for making me smile!!!

2005-12-20 // 07:13:27
Really nicely done! A lot of effort, and thanks a ton for sharing the details of how you did this. Inspiring!
thanks so much!

2005-12-20 // 05:38:36
Very cool! How do you scan your originals for larger prints?Flatbed? or other??
for this large image I shot it with my 20D... it's too large to scan, but when I do scan my originals I use a Canon 8400F flatbed.