Rainbow Gaze

This is a handmade collage that is not yet completed.

Shotdate | -location:
2006 Jan. 21 | Detroit(US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 rainbow | SX-70

Related tags:
sx-70 manipulation, collage, rainbow, sx-70, handmade collage, faces, painting, paperclip, air freshener
1) crappy polaroid
2) old rainbow air freshener
3) gouache + brushes
4) tape
5) leftover green paper
6) exacto knife
7) sculpting tools to manipulate paint
8) paperclip
9) little faces cut out of catalog


This is a handmade collage that is a work in progress. It measures about 5"x7". The image that I shot was crap so I tore open this 'roid as if it was a blank canvas. I applied gouache to the surface and then inserted a face of a woman and two men off to the side gazing at her.
Copyright info:
Uploaded: Jan. 23, 2006
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