His + Hers
It gets on my nerves!

My boyfriend moved back in a few weeks ago... I'm still not used to having the seat up like that... I hate when my ass falls into the bowl and my buttcheeks get wet! Why can't we all just put the seat down? That way we all have to lift something up! Besides... isn't that why we have toilet seat rugs??? So we can see the pretty carpet on top of the toilet seat?

Shotdate | -location:
2006 Feb. 19 | Detroit(US)

Camera | Filmtype:
Spectra | Image/Spectra (expired)

Related tags:
blue, bathroom, pink, toilet, comode, dymo, label, gender, seat up, seat down, restroom
two Spectras combined. Contrast adjusted in CS2 to compensate for the expired qualities of this film. Dymo labels added to distinguish his from hers. Also used a blue Rosco gel swatched taped over flash for HIS and pink Rosco gel swatch taped over flash for HERS.
Copyright info:
Uploaded: Feb. 20, 2006
Views: 546 
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