The thorn in Sleeping beautys side.
I'm still working on minimizing the distance between the 600SE and me. We are getting to know eachother better and better for each day, but I feel that there's still quite some time before we've got a bond as close as the one between the SX-70 and me. Either way I'm in love with the Fuji FP 100C.

Today I let her (the 600SE) play both in- and outside, but I always had a watchful eye over her so that she did not get hurt. Kind of like a protective parent, I believe.

Shotdate | -location:
2007 Apr. 08 | Dalarna(SE)

Camera | Filmtype:
600SE | Fuji FP-100C (expired)

Related tags:
close-up, parts of trees
CU-3 lense, focused through ground glass.

Stay close to home for the first time of your relationship, and then slowly increase the distance of your trips. Soon you're ready to take on the world.
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Uploaded: Apr. 08, 2007
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