It's all english to me
Left hand: Rodeo - The real thing
(It is not a cuddley toy, not a cardboard *cut-out*)
Right hand: English - Greek dictionary (Oxford edition)
An apology to all the native english speakers. My english in not so good. That's why I use (not so much) a dictionary. I searched rodeo and I found this:
/rodio, rdayo/
• noun (pl. rodeos) 1 a contest or entertainment in which cowboys show their skill at riding broncos, roping calves, etc. 2 a competitive display of other skills, such as motorcycle riding. 3 a round-up of cattle on a ranch for branding and counting.
— ORIGIN Spanish, from rodear ‘go round’, from Latin rotare ‘rotate’.
As you can see, there is no real thing in the rodeo entry.
I've found the real thing only in google search. I have ordered 100 tin cans of this taurine drink and I will have them next week. Till then, I upload an image of the taurine taurus. If I break the rules, please tell me immediately to withdraw my submission. In simplified english or wave the red flag three times up and down.
Shotdate | -location:
2008 Nov. 15 | Athens(GR)
Camera | Filmtype:
SLR 680 SE | 780 Turbo
Related tags:
rodeo, dictionary, manfinity, the real thing