the rosary
as i was a little child, my grandfather and me, we often used to stroll through his rosary. we both loved this rose garden tremendously, it was our hiding place and whenever we felt like sharing secrets we looked up for the roses.

and so it happened that one day, in between all those roses, my grandfather told me the story of: the rose keepers ...

the rose keepers were small elves, very delicate and very shy. they led their life peacefully, guarding the roses and subsisting on dewdrops and rosewater. only people who were pure in heart and mind were able to see them, my grandfather told me.

(ok, i know you guys want me to finish this story, so i'll just skip the part with the magic rose seeds we swallowed and come to an end.)


(and i even took some pictures for the ones underneath you who are not so pure in heart and mind).

Shotdate | -location:
1988 July 02 | Eichgraben(AT)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 | 778 (expired)

Related tags:
garden, rose, rosary
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Uploaded: July 02, 2006
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