Ghost of a boy
My first box of the new PX Polaroid film was a HUGE sad moment for me. It DOESNT MANIPULATE like time zero used to, that means my face series will be at an end after I existing stock runs sad, i seriously shed a tear when i went to etch smoosh and swirl the emulsion......

I did manage to scratch in a boy into the scene though after i realized no time xero fun was going to be had.

Shotdate | -location:
2010 Apr. 07 | Saskatoon(CA)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 | PX100 FF

Related tags:
sx-70 manipulation, sx-70, sx70, px100, px100 manipulation
I already miss time zero and i still have boxes left...
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Uploaded: Apr. 08, 2010
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