The first shot is the deepest. Okay. First shot from a pack of PX. I was pleasantly surprised. Though no real drama here other than a test shot, shot exposed rather well. However, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th shots afterwards were very wonky and not good enough to scan. Throw aways. Did I just say that? Ugh. The 5th shot so so. So that makes three frames left in the camera. I used the SX-70 Alpha 1. I have the black sonar one but once placed a nd filter and didn't feel like poking around. It would have made for a better focus. The Alpha just spits them out so freaking fast. Oh well. There ya go. My very first PX shot.
Shotdate | -location:
2010 | Pennsylvania(US)
Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha1 | PX100 FF
Related tags:
man, outside, boy, stoner, px100, silvershade, film alpha