2006-09-04 // 03:29:04 Urizen This shot makes me sleepy (in the good sense of the word)
I see what you mean... It makes wanna lay down at the sun and nap a little bit.
2006-09-03 // 23:36:17 ColorblindArtistWhoCantDraw i can sense the purr vibrations all the way across the atlantic to here...great light.
hee hee, yes she purrs very loud, people can hear it on the phone !
2006-09-03 // 21:58:20 ulf Yay IKEA ;-) What's your cat's name? Mine is Mouse. Mouse doesn't have a special place all of his own like your cat does, unless you count the tops of sofas and the windowsills where I put pillows for him to rest on. The one thing I ever bought Mouse (at IKEA no less) he never showed any interest in: »link
Her name is Maya. I am completely nuts about her, and so she gets a place of her own. She is so spoiled... When I will be old, people will call me "crazy cat lady". And one day, I'll die and she will eat me. Cats are so ungrateful...
2006-09-03 // 21:52:40 CecileA What are they feeding you???