2006-09-24 // 03:59:57 artpunk Meghan, what magnification stop do you have the camera bellows set at (these are the nunmbers on the left bar on the side of the bellows) should be from 0.8 - 1.5 (from memory, I'm at work so can't check on my Tektro at the moment) If it is at 0.9 - you have 0.9 ratio magnificatioon of the object, at 1.4 you have a 1:1.4 x magnification and so on. I haven't used the lower magnifications, as I want to get as macro as possible, but I'm wondering if the bellows crop the image at the lower settings, I'm not sure why you would get this, as I haven't experienced it with my camera.
Sorry, I'm probably not much help here!
Hmmm, I don't think my camera shows any numbers on the left bar alongside the bellows. There's just the focus knob on the left-hand side. I wonder if this means my camera's somehow busted. I, too, am operating from memory because I'm at work right now, but I think I had the bellows fully extended — but I can't remember what focus value that means the camera was set at. I'm just hoping it's not that I have to buy a lens attachment or something, because I don't know if that's a possibility with such a rare camera.
2006-09-23 // 01:33:45 ColorblindArtistWhoCantDraw i sort-of like the effect of having the bellows extended...the black 'border' really makes the colors inside pop.