2007-02-08 // 12:52:01 viki_hae huiuiui. der mais. mh lecker. mit butter und salz.
tolles licht da..
Ah, da verliebt sich schon wieder jeman in dem Maismann.
2006-09-28 // 11:07:55 Norah.Goldenbogen as representative of esther here's my answer:
1) yes, knoblauch means garlic. yumm.
2) oktoberfest NEVER is in oktober. that's the clue.
2006-09-28 // 02:45:42 Urizen 1) Doesn't "Knoblauch" mean garlic? ARG!
2) Correct me please, wasn't Oktoberfest in october?
I'm terribly confused and with a garlic aftertaste
2006-09-27 // 20:45:07 ulf Didn't that feel good, dear? I'm so proud of you for coming clean. If only we all owned up to our corn-perversions instead of sheepishly denying them.
2006-09-27 // 16:08:39 PJ_Ray I've woken up and LOOKED like this... Is that wrong in any way????
Well, apart from being a bit "corny", I can't see that there's anything intrinsically wrong about it!
2006-09-27 // 07:03:04 ulf That is sooooo cliché, Esther. You wish you'd wake up one morning after some righteous Oktoberfest indulgence with the obligatory hang over and find Mr. Knoblauchbrot & Maiskolben lying next to you - admit it already!
I'm crazy about him. Absolutely smitten. His rosy maize-shaped cheeks, his loose, libertine lips, his pearly white teeth. How can I ever forget him?